
年假結束,金雞報喜! 🐔讓您工作不憂鬱,曙光環繞長智慧💡~

感謝粉絲過去在品酒會的熱情餐與以及熱烈的迴響👏! 在此預告2月份,在Best’s Wines (貝斯特酒莊) - 澳洲紅五星、頂級百年酒莊之後,我們將透過 Picardy (比卡迪酒莊) 品酒,維繫你我之間的情誼,持續協助各位拓展社交生活,提升氣質與生活品味。

這是🇦🇺澳洲優質精品酒莊的領導品牌之一,位在西澳著名的冷涼產區班柏頓 (Pemberton)。採用勃根地 (Burgundy) 傳統的釀酒方式。對許多台灣的葡萄酒迷,這是個聖地🛐。對新手而言,這是個被葡萄酒吸引入門的大殿堂🏫! 且讓我們一同欣賞,這個由1993年才建立酒莊,是如何透過釀酒世家的Dan,利用澳洲當地的風土特色,以最保護自然環境生態的耕作方式,引領出一系列廣受歡迎、媲美傳統聖地的葡萄酒。增進強化您在兩者之間,微妙差異與價值感的辨別!

品酩費用: NT$1990 元
(贈價值$2100 - 2008 Picardy Pinot Noir一瓶!)
廣為大家喜愛的黑皮諾(Pinot Noir),超過品酩費用的禮贈品,太值得您的參與!

地 點:南京門市 - 台北市南京東路三段225號 (近復興北路)
日期: 2/24/2016 (五) 晚間19:00 至 20:15


Chinese New Year holiday is over but we will keep bringing good news to you by introducing Picardy wines, from Pemberton located in Western Australia.

It is one of the well known and outstanding brands in Australia. Picardy wines are vintaged and bot
tled by the Pannell family themselves, only producing small batches of premium wine. Their vinification and winemaking technique following the traditional Burgundy style. Let us explore their production of high quality cool climates wine, in particular the differences Pinot Noir has with the wines from Burgundy. This is a night you do not want to miss because it will enhance your knowledge and add to your palate’s ‘database’.

Our lucky 20 participants will have the opportunity to win a bottle of 2008 Picardy Pinot Noir, it worth $2100; it’s more than the value of wine tasting cover of $1990.

Wine tasting fee per guest $1990
(For 5 different wines, French baguette and an hour of tasting lesson)
Date: February 24, 2017 19:00 - 20:15
Address: No. 225, Sec. 3, Nanking E. Rd., Taipei 104
Register to reserve your seating@

1. The seating is secured once we received your payment; or we will give out your seating to the next available guest.
2. If you intend to cancel your attendance after the payment, please inform our staff two days prior to the wine tasting night to secure your right for full refund or substitute with other event。
3. If the attendance does not meet with the minimum people, the company have the right to postpone or cancel the wine tasting event.
4. We suggest all participating guests have a meal before attending the event.
5. Please avoid wearing strong scent of perfume or cologne.
6. We do not accept underage or meeting the legal drinking age of 18 guests.
7. We highly advice no driving after drinking for your own safety and others!


周二-五 11am-8:30pm (周一則從12:00pm開始營業)
週六 11:30am - 8:00pm 週日12 - 7:30pm;
02-2777-2279 (復興門市)
02-2719-6779 (南京門市)
周一 - 五 9:30am - 6:30pm;
02-2711-5959 or Line@ iaz7497q (總公司).


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