2017 新年快樂!! 經過一天的甦醒,沉澱,在新的一年,總有新的願景與目標,開始個人的年度計劃。今年初,如果無法趕上 1/13/2017的紅五星酒莊伍斯塔克 (Woodstock) 品酒會,可不要錯過了 1/20/2017 晚間7點 的溫故知新品酒會 <<爾文酒莊 (Irvine Wines)>>。
爾文酒莊(Irvine Wines)是由60年以上釀酒經驗的酒莊主人James Irvine於1959建立,其釀造生產的頂級梅洛紅酒(Grand Merlot),曾於1997年的國際競賽中,打敗包括Petrus在內的一干世界名酒,榮獲年度最佳Merlot的尊榮,屢屢拿下國際葡萄酒競賽的金牌!
中國農曆春節前,光榮鉅獻 澳洲國寶大師詹爾文(James Irvine)退休之作。凡前來參加的嘉賓,還可帶走一瓶 價值 $1350元 2015 Irvine Estate Shiraz 一瓶。年節圍爐好選擇,讓您喜洋洋地過迎接 酉雞年!
當日品酒費: 每位嘉賓$1350 (贈價值$1350元 - 2015 Irvine Estate Shiraz 一瓶)
歡迎線上報名: https://goo.gl/S199Ny
#2 精選希哈紅酒。
An event to start your learning on New world wine from Australia Barossa Valley! It is a wine tasting night you don't want to miss because the vineyard was founded in 1959 by James Irvine. He had won the best Merlot of the year among 1000+ different world famous wines, including Petrus in 1997.
The winary was bought by Miles family in 2015 so it will be really rare to have the opportunity to taste Mr. Irvine's outstanding performance and signiture wine onward.
See you all and taste the following wines with us on January 20th 19:00 to 20:15!
#1 - 2009 Irvine Pinot Gris。
#2 - 2015 Irvice Estate Shiraz。
#3 - 2014 Irvine Estate Cabernet Blend。
#4 - 2012 Irvine Merlot Cabernet Franc。
#5 - 2012 Irvine Estate Merlot。
Tasting fee: $1350 per guest
(You will receive a gift value of $1350 2015 Irvine Estate Shiraz)
Sign up here at https://goo.gl/S199Ny
周二-五 11am-8:30pm (周一則從12:00pm開始營業)
週六 11:30am - 8:00pm 週日12 - 7:30pm;
02-2777-2279 (復興門市)
02-2719-6779 (南京門市)
周一 - 五 9:30am - 6:30 pm;
02-2711-5959 or Line@ iaz7497q (總公司)