農曆年後,這個2月份,我們將推出 紅五星頂級佳釀 品酒會 <<貝斯特酒莊 (Best’s Wines)>>。
當日參與品酒會的20名幸運嘉賓,可獲贈💖 - 2012 Best’s Great Western Bin No.1 Shiraz 一瓶 價值$ 1850 (貝斯特酒莊 大西部 Bin No.1 希哈紅酒)💖。
當日品酒費: 每位嘉賓$1850
日期: 2/10/2017 19:00
地點: 台北市南京東路三段225號
歡迎線上報名: https://goo.gl/Bhkiqx
1. 為保障顧客權益,品酒會採預先報名繳費制,須先繳費才算
2. 報名後若要取消,最晚請於品酒會前二日(週三)前通知,
3. 若品酒會報名人數未達預期,本公司保有活動擇日舉行或取
4. 參加品酒會前請先用餐。5.請勿噴灑香水與古龍水。
6. 未成年請勿飲酒,報名資格需年滿18歲以上。7. 酒後請勿駕車,保護他人與自身的安全!
The week after Chinese New Year holiday, we will introduce another outstanding winery, boastings a rating of 5 red stars, to our fans or anyone about to enter the world of Australian wine.
This is one of the oldest vineyard in Great Western Central Victoria’s Grampians wine region in Australia with a winemaking history of more than 145 years. Vineyards planted in 1867 include grape varieties so rare that several have defied all attempts at identification and are, in all probability, the sole surviving examples in the world!! Numerous award winning wines and Langton's classification of "Exceptional" or "Outstanding" from Best's Great Western.
Our lucky 20 participants will have the opportunity to win a bottle of 2012 Best’s Great Western Bin No.1 Shiraz, it has a value of $1850 as a gift.
Wine tasting fee per guest $1850
(For 5 different wines, French baguette and an hour of tasting lesson)
Date: Feburay 10, 2017 19:00 - 20:15
Address: No. 225, Sec. 3, Nanking E. Rd., Taipei 104
Register to reserve your seating@ https://goo.gl/Bhkiq
1. The seating is secured once we received your payment; or we will give out your seating to the next available guest.
2. If you intend to cancel your attendence after the payment, please inform our staff two days prior to the wine tasting night to secure your right for full refund or subsitude with other event。
3. If the attendance does not meet with the minimum people, the company have the right to postpone or cancel the wine tasting event.
4. We suggest all participating guests have a meal before attending the event.
5. Please avoid wearing strong scent of perfume or cologne.
6. We do not accept underage or meeting the legal drinking age of 18 guests.
7. We highly advice no driving after drinking for your own safety and others!