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Capel Vale Wines The Scholar Cabernet Sauvignon 2007Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Elegant, aromatically complex nose, with notes of cassis and cloves, with herbs. Beautiful core of limpid, sweet fruit, fine, grained tannins, powerful, delicious and very long. Great potential to age stunningly. 優雅複雜的黑醋栗及丁香風味,揉合草本香氣。多汁甜美核果的味道、單寧細緻、濃郁、可口且餘韻悠長,具陳放的潛力。NT$3,900(雅得蕊-A) |
Bird In Hand Riesling 2009Clare Valley, South Australia, Australia (White) Clean, quite light nose. Good concentration and balance on the palate, not exuberant but satisfying, with very good length. |
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Clairault Estate Chardonnay 2007Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (White) Complex, lifted nose with cheesy notes. Bright, elegant, lovely lively palate with balance and length.NT$1,800(雅得蕊;2006-B) 中等小麥色澤,帶有複雜而具層次感的香甜蜂蜜水、甜瓜、以及烤麵包、香草、白松露等香氣,口感因精緻的酸度而展現出良好的結構,餘韻持久。 |
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Howard Park Riesling 2009Great Southern, Western Australia, Australia (White) Intense and aromatic nose with herbal, mineral and tropical notes. Dry, with plenty of fruit, with notes of mandarin and grapefruit, and long. |
Woodside Valley Estate Le Bas Chardonnay 2008Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (White) Rich, ripe, nutty, buttery with vanilla and tropical notes. Full bodied, luscious, with lovely acidity and elegant complexity. NT$2,200(雅得蕊;2007-A) 呈現明亮而討喜的金黃色,帶有濃郁的水蜜桃、油桃、以及法國橡木桶的燻烤香氣,紮實而精緻的酸度讓口感更加持酒,並牽引出成熟柑橘、核果等氣味,氣味複雜多變,由前段的檸檬、百香果,中段的水蜜桃,餘韻帶有柑橘氣味。風格細緻、典雅、而平衡,窖藏潛力佳。 |
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Alkoomi Wines Frankland River Blackbutt 2007Great Southern, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Sweet and luscious, quite lifted nose. Full bodied, sweet fruit, ripe tannins. Warm and creamy, but structured. NT$2,500(雅得蕊;2005-A) 這款酒採用卡本內蘇維濃(Cabernet Sauvignon)、卡本內弗朗(Cabernet Franc)、馬爾貝克(Malbec)、與梅洛(Merlot)等4個葡萄品種釀造而成,呈現深紅色,帶有濃郁的紅色漿果、李子、與橡木香氣,口感香醇厚實,帶有紅醋栗、黑色漿果、與香柏氣味。即飲風味佳,窖藏潛力約10年左右。 |
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Bird In Hand Nest Egg Shiraz 2008Adelaide Hills, South Australia, Australia (Red) Dense, spicy and earthy, slightly minerally, powerful and complex, with really ripe concentrated fruit on the palate. NT$3,900(雅得蕊;2007-A)
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Howard Park Scotsdale' Shiraz 2008Great Southern, Western Australia, Australia (Red) A lightly herbal nose, with attractive blackberry fruit with good acidity and tannins on the palate. |
Kalleske Wines Greenock Shiraz 2007Barossa Valley, South Australia, Australia (Red) Fresh and floral nose with lots of high notes and oak. Ripe fruit, full body, supple tannins, savoury and complex.NT$2,100~2,150 (雅得蕊;2006~2008-B) 酒款呈現深紅色,帶有紅玫瑰、李子、耶誕蛋糕、椰子與煙草的香氣,酒體渾厚、口感濃郁香醇,單寧細緻滑順,典型的黑色與紅色漿果氣味、搭配隱約的橡木香氣。餘韻持久香醇。窖藏潛力佳。 |
Katnook Estate Prodigy Shiraz 2006Coonawarra, South Australia, Australia (Red) Lifted, exotic nose with some oak. Juicy and succulent, with chocolate and mocha flavours, and fresh, lovely silky texture. Attractive style.NT$3,800(雅得蕊;2005-A) |
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Moss Wood Cabernet Sauvignon 2007Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Classic Cabernet nose, with blackcurrant and spice. Restrained and elegant. Delicately oaked with white pepper notes and soft tannins. Wonderful poise and grace. NT$4,900(雅得蕊-B) 年輕明亮的深磚紅色,帶有深色果實、成熟紅醋栗、巧克力、桑椹,以及隱約的土壤、巧克力、全麥麵包等香氣,並混合著細微的樟腦與石蠟味道,後段香氣則以橡木結合了燻烤、香草、西洋杉、與削鉛筆芯等氣味為主。口感仍以呈現新鮮水果氣味為主,成熟紅醋栗、桑椹等提供了香甜的中段口感,熟成的細緻單寧讓水果香氣更加持久滑順,餘韻展現出持久且複雜的巧克力、咖啡、香柏、橡木等香氣。 |
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Woodside Valley Estate Bissy Merlot 2007Tomasi Vineyard, Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Excellent depth of concentrated fruit and oak, layers of roasted meats and nuts on the nose. Opulent and rich, long, layered and complex, very serious. Lovely drink. |
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Alkoomi Wines Frankland River Riesling 2009Great Southern, Western Australia, Australia (White) Ripe and intense nose with tropical notes. Powerful palate, off-dry, with ripe citrus and stone fruit. |
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Capel Vale Wines Whispering Hill Mount Barker Riesling 2009Great Southern, Western Australia, Australia (White) Grassy nose with hints of lemon fruit. Lovely slate, mineral feel on the palate, but tight and very restrained. |
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Clairault Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2009Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (White) Fresh and clean, white peach with a touch of blackcurrant. Zesty and spritzy fruit, good length and balanced acidity. |
Howard Park Chardonnay 2009Western Australia, Australia (White) Lovely nose, but quite obvious oak and citrus wise. Crisp structure, yet ripe palate. Powerful, with a toasty finish. NT$2,250(雅得蕊;2007-A) 呈現淡明亮的小麥且邊緣微綠色澤,這款優雅的白酒展現平衡、精緻、香氣持久的特色,帶有甜瓜、葡萄柚、柑橘、以及榛果等複雜香氣,橡木桶發酵過程提供酒款如奶油般滑順的中段口感,爽脆的酸度增加口感的持久性,餘韻帶有單柑橘、腰果、燻烤等氣味。 |
Bird In Hand Two In The Bush Shiraz 2008
Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia (Red) Ripe, refined dense dark plums and spice aromas follow through to the creamy, textured palate, with very good weight. NT$790(雅得蕊; 2007-C) |
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Bird In Hand Shiraz 2008
Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia (Red) Very ripe, sweet and juicy with liquorice notes. Full, ripe and minty, with subtle berry flavours. NT$1,500(雅得蕊; 2006-B) 酒液在法國橡木桶中陳年超過15個月以上,呈現深紅帶紫色澤,帶有成熟黑莓、水果蛋糕、以及肉桂香氣,口感如絲緞般滑順優雅、結構豐富,還有李子、茶藨子、與黑胡椒氣味。柔順、香醇、且平衡易飲,窖藏潛力佳。 |
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Bird In Hand Cabernet Sauvignon 2008Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia (Red) Rich, sweet nose with lots of black fruit. Sweet, rounded and creamy oak, ripe and rich fruit, but tannins a bit drying. NT$1,500(雅得蕊; 2007-B) 酒液在法國橡木桶中陳年超過17個月以上,這款限量發售的酒款呈現出卡本內蘇維儂濃優雅的品種特性。呈現深紅色澤,帶有黑莓、黑醋栗、以及橡木辛香氣味,口感香醇且富層次感,單寧細緻柔順而持久。即飲風味佳,經窖藏陳年後散發出香柏與雪笳盒氣味。 |
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Capel Vale Wines Whispering Hill Shiraz 2007Mount Barker, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Gentle oak and black berry fruit on the nose. Good ripe fruit on the palate with a lot of oak, too. NT$3,000(雅得蕊; 2007-A) 釀酒葡萄採自酒莊自家位於低語山丘的葡萄園,地處擁有古老的花崗岩土壤與冷涼氣候的貝克山脈中(Mount Barker),酒款帶有濃郁的胡椒、紅色漿果、與天然香料香氣,口感豐富濃郁,呈現出香甜水果氣味,單寧細緻。這款強勁、優雅、複雜的酒款在細心的窖藏5年後,將展現出更加多變的複雜性。 |
Cullen Diana Madelaine 2007Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Ripe, full and oaky, with ripe tannins, fine tuned acidity and a long length.NT$4,600(雅得蕊-A) |
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Howard Park Leston' Cabernet Sauvignon 2008Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Rich, opulent, ripe nose with subtle leather, menthol and earth character. Good weight, flavour and grip, well balanced.NT$1,700(雅得蕊-B) 呈現清澈的深紅色澤,帶有濃郁的黑醋栗、漿果、以及隱約的蕃茄葉、乾鼠尾草等香氣,在香醇的水果香氣中,漸漸散發出黑巧克力的氣味,還有由橡木桶而來的香柏氣味,整體達到極佳均衡,窖藏潛力佳。
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Irvine Merlot Cabernet Franc 2006Eden Valley, South Australia, Australia (Red) Some spice and balsamic notes on the nose, lovely gentle softness on the palate, with chocolate notes, creamy texture and bright fruit. NT$1,200(雅得蕊-C) 這款酒酒體醇厚,帶有濃郁的李子、櫻桃、及隱約的紫羅蘭香氣,法國橡木桶的氣味則爲其帶來極佳的平衡與豐富的層次感。由於其優異而超值的特色,許多台灣酒迷皆是成箱地購買,是一款相當受到台灣酒迷肯定的酒款! |
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Kalleske Wines Clarrys 2009Barossa Valley, South Australia, Australia (Red) Opulent, jammy nose, with blackberry aromas. Rich and rounded palate, with brambly black fruit. NT$1,250(雅得蕊-C) |
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Katnook Estate Odyssey Cabernet Sauvignon 2005Coonawarra, South Australia, Australia (Red) Liquorice, deep brambles and soft leather on the nose. Lingering, rich berries, soft vanilla, delicate, oozing with charm, but lacking finesse. NT$3,800(雅得蕊-A) 帶有深紅李略紫紅色澤。呈現豐富而複雜的成熟水果與熟成橡木的香氣,帶有濃郁桑椹、成熟李子與黑橄欖香氣,混和著香甜香草豆、煙燻、以及燒烤咖啡與橡木的氣味。口感具十足複雜性,帶有以成熟水果與橡木為基調的口感結構,以及濃郁桑椹、成熟李子、香草、以及來自長期橡木陳年的巧克力氣味。單寧細緻、香醇而餘韻持久。 |
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Moss Wood Amy's Blend 2008Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Direct, pure fruit nose with a slight herbal streak. Multi-layered, soft, very feminine, with lingering flavours. NT$1,800(雅得蕊-B) 明亮的深血紅色澤,帶有桑椹、覆盆子、紅醋栗、以及複雜的香柏、煙草等香氣,而天然香料與橡木的氣味則讓整體香氣更加持久。酒體醇厚香醇,口感呈現出櫻桃、深色水果、融化的巧克力等氣味,讓酒款更平易近人且易飲。單寧細緻均衡,結構豐腴,餘韻持久均衡並帶有小麥麵包與天然香料橡木的香氣。 |
Primo Estate Joseph Moda 2008Mclaren Vale, South Australia, Australia (Red) Ripe and plush nose, with some fruitcake and eucalyptus notes. Full bodied, with rich fruit and plenty of spicy new oak.NT$3,270~4,280(雅得蕊-A) |
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Woodside Valley Estate Baudin Cabernet Sauvignon 2007Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia (Red) Herbal, green, leafy, eucalyptus nose. Elegant but actually fairly simple on the palate.NT$3,000(雅得蕊;2006-A) 橡木的氣味、伴隨著以黑櫻桃與巧克力為核心的香氣,還有隱約的成熟花梗、洋茴香等香氣,酒款呈現出明亮的紫紅色,口感結合了森林、櫻桃、巧克力、奶油、甘草、以及黑胡椒等氣味,緊實的單寧讓帶有天然香料與葉子氣味的餘韻更加持久,並展現出討喜的橡木氣味。這款涼爽氣候的希哈紅酒具有極佳的窖藏潛力。 |
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Deakin Estate Moscato 2009Murray Darling, Victoria, Australia (White) Clean, light, grapey aromas, very fresh and light with some redcurrant and floral notes. |
業務聯絡人:鄭小姐(Cathy Cheng ) / 電話:02-2777-5779 分機160
e-mail: wine@finewine.com.tw