


Alkoomi owners-Sandy Hallett and her husband Rod



1.  Established 1971 by Merv and Judy Lange;

Owners – Daughter Sandy Hallett and her husband Rod;

Viticulture – Rod Hallett;

Winemaker – Andrew Cherry.

2.  History lesson 1 - Talk about terroir!

The Alkoomi winery and vineyard are located on deep gravelly, loam soils, situated among the gently rolling hills in the cool and sunny Frankland River wine region, approximately 80 kilometers inland from the far South coast of Western Australia.

3.  History lesson 2:

The name Alkoomi which, in local Aboriginal dialect, means “a place we chose” was selected by the original owners when they acquired the land in the early 1900’s ;

The property is home to many large grass trees (Xanthorrhoea preissii) the inspiration for the distinctive Alkoomi logo.

4.  History lesson 3:

As a result of research in the early 1960’s by Australian CSIRO plant scientist Dr John Gladstones and eminent Professor of viticulture Harold Olmo from California identifying the potential of the region for viticulture, Merv and Judy Lange, made the decision to plant their first vineyard to the Cabernet sauvignon and Riesling varieties.

5.  Vineyards in the Frankland River region total 1,700 hectares

Altitude 230 m – Alkoomi 300 – 350 m

Heat degree days, Oct-Apr 1601

Sunshine hours 1538

Annual rainfall 608 mm

Growing season rainfall 200 mm

Mean January temperature 20.65ºC

Relative humidity, Oct-Apr, 3 pm Average 47%

Harvest Mar - May

6. Vineyard – 105 hectares;

Red varieties – Cabernet sauvignon, Shiraz, Malbec, Merlot, Cabernet franc and Petit verdot;

White varieties – Semillon, Riesling, Sauvignon blanc, Chardonnay and Viognier.

7.  Alkoomi today:

Current crush – 1,000 Tonnes/annum;

Producing ~ 90,000 + cases/annum; All estate grown fruit;

Own bottling and packaging line;

Also producing a small amount of olive oil.

8.  Alkoomi today:

Current crush – 1,000 Tonnes/annum;

Producing ~ 90,000 + cases/annum;

All estate grown fruit;

Own bottling and packaging line;

Also producing a small amount of olive oil.

9.  Premium Label Range:

Cabernet sauvignon; Shiraz-Viognier; Semillon Sauvignon blanc; Chardonnay; Riesling.

10.  White Label Range:

Cabernet-Merlot; Shiraz; Late Harvest; Chardonnay; Sauvignon blanc.

11.  The winemaking:

Oak – what oak?

Andrew uses the best quality French oak that he can source, typically this can include;

Francois Frères, Sirugue, Vicard and Nadalie.

12.  Press Reviews

Winery rated 5 stars by James Halliday (11 consecutive years) 

Icon Range all rated 5 stars

Black Label Riesling and Cabernet Sauvignon both rated 5 stars

London International Wine and Spirit Competition, – 2006 Riesling -SILVER MEDAL

 The Japan Wine Challenge – 2005 Cabernet sauvignon – SILVER MEDAL

West Coast Magazine – 2002 Jarrah – 5 stars & 2nd Place

Ray Jordan’s Guide to Wine – 2002 Jarrah – 94 points  

Wine Review Online – Michael Apstein – 2002 Jarrah  95 points

Winestate 2009 New Releases - Alkoomi 2008 Frankland River Shiraz Viognier 4.5 stars equal top in category;

Winestate Annual Issue 2009/2010 – Alkoomi 2004 Wandoo Semillon 4.5 stars rated Best of State.

13.  Alkoomi Global

  Export Markets: USA, UK, Ireland, Japan, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Denmark, Sweden, Philippines, Mainland China, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Norway, Belgium, Mexico and Korea.


業務聯絡人:鄭小姐(Cathy Cheng ) / 電話:02-2777-5779 分機160



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