《砰 然心動 星蕩漾》
歡迎線上報名 📝:https://goo.gl/tsJQ28
新世界領土 > 紐西蘭與澳洲
念情舊世界 > 德國與法國
日期: 6/23/2017 (五)
時間: 17:30 - 20:00
入場費: $800/人 (名額有限)
地址🏘️: (南京門市) 台北市南京東路3段225號
1. 活動當日僅開放給預先繳費確認的來賓,活動時間內可自由入場。
2. 站立品飲,當日品飲共10款,每人每款30ml。
English Version:
What type of wine pair best with all different types of grilled meats on a hot summer’s day?
It was the English (or the British) who first noticed the charm of this bubbly, fizzy and yummy drink. According to BBC News, 30 years prior to the activities of French monk Dom Perignon, known as the inventor of champagne, an English scientist discovered winemakers had long been adding a little sparkle to their tipple.
Over one hundred years ago, Queen Victoria herself started the tradition of christening a new ship for good luck and safe travel by smashing a new bottle of Champagne. So, it is today that Champagne is deemed to be a lively suitable accompaniment to any celebration and highly regarded by wine connoisseurs. The wine choice are not limited to rather pricey champagne but also sparkling wines from other wine producing countries and regions.
On June 23rd, we would like to introduce you to a broader spectrum of selections rather than limit yourself to Champagne. The night from 5:30pm to 8:00pm, we will give you the chance to taste ten different sparkling wines from both new world countries such as New Zealand and Australia, and the old world of France and Germany.
We sincerely invite you join us to this spectacular sparkling night of sparkling wines. You will, no doubt, be surprised for what you may discover!
Date: 6/23/2017 (Fri.)
Time: 17:30 - 20:00
Entry fee: $800/per person (Limited space only)
🚩Address: Adelaide Pacific - Nanjing Store
No.325, Nanjing East Road, Taipei (near Fuxing North Road)
📣Prior reservation is needed via:
💌 Online:https://goo.gl/tsJQ28
Call ☎️: 02-2777-5779 (HQ); 02-2719-6779 (Nanjing); 02-2777-2279 (Fuxing)
Line👉 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40iaz7497q
** Thank you for your attention! **
1. Please kindly note that your reservation will be recorded only after a payment is received and confirmed. If the event is oversubscribed, we will stop accepting applications.
2. Each guest will be given ten different wine samples, each glass measuring 30 ml.
3. The wine will be served up to 20:00. We suggest you come early to have sufficient time to taste all ten different wines.
4. Each guest will be given only one glass in this tasting event. If you would like to compare two different wines at the same time, please consider preparing your own glass for additional sampling comparison.
5. If you intend to cancel your attendance after the payment, please inform our staff two days prior to the wine tasting night to secure your right for full refund or substitute with other event.
6. If the attendance does not meet with the minimum people, the company have the right to postpone or cancel the wine tasting event.
7. We suggest all participating guests have a meal before attending the event.
8. Please avoid wearing strong scent of perfume or cologne.
9. We do not accept underage or meeting the legal drinking age of 18 guests.
10. We highly advice no driving after drinking for your own safety and others!