

【感謝雅得蕊的熱情顧客提供佐餐商品照的參考】-- 澎湃海陸大餐
1. 德國卡爾峽飛酒莊‘美麗的安娜’德凱馬-斯皮爾伯格一級葡萄園 麗絲玲有機白葡萄酒 (晚摘甜酒) 成雙2瓶一組價$2000
2. 威米爾酒莊 尼爾森 白蘇維濃白酒 成雙2瓶一組價$1760
3. 西班牙 太陽維耶侯 陳釀紅酒 新春前12瓶一箱特惠$5500 (年後12瓶成箱特惠價將漲至$6000元整)

年節假期走春中!我們將在初五 2/1/2017 (三) 中午12點開工,當日營業時間至晚間6:30. 歡迎大家光臨我們的復興門市與南京門市參觀選購!

台北市大安區復興南路一段162號 02-2777-2279 (復興門市)

台北市中山區南京東路三段225號 02-2719-6779 (南京門市)



Happy Chinese New Year
During this most memorable of reunion dinners on Chinese New Year's Eve, what special drink did you prepare to go with the food fiesta you shared with your family?
Thanks to some of our most loyal customers sending pictures and sharing their lovely evening with us, we are able to bring you the following suggestions. Why not continue your celebrations with this festive selection?:
1. Weingut Karl Schaefer 'Schone Anna' Durkheimer Spielberg Riesling, VDP. Erste Lage , Pfalz on Sale $2000 for a set of 2 bottles
2. Waimea Nelson Sauvignon Blancon on Sale $1760 for a set of 2 bottles
3. Solar Viejo Crianza Red Wine, D.O.Ca. Rioja on sale $5500 for a box of 12 bottles

After celebrating the Chinese New Year's holiday~we will be back to work from 2/1/2017 noon to 6:30pm. As always, you are welcome to shop in our stores located near to the ZhongXiao Fuxing and Nanjing Fuxing stations :)


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