- Oct 08 Fri 2010 16:57
<媒體報導>百年希哈的魅力(Decanter品酒誌-2010年6~7月號 )
- Oct 06 Wed 2010 18:34
<酒莊訪台品酒會>2010 年 10 月 23 日(六) 下午 15:00~17:00 薩立塔吉酒莊Salitage訪台品酒會(復興門市)
- Oct 01 Fri 2010 17:37
Woodstock Winery 伍斯塔克酒莊 10月訪台活動
- Sep 29 Wed 2010 17:53
<Premuim Decanter 醒酒壺推薦> (型號P70170)-益泰玻璃有限公司
- Sep 27 Mon 2010 14:32
葡萄酒進口商雅得蕊於7月21日舉辦品酒會,由兩家澳洲維多利亞(Victoria)酒莊的代表出席。分別是Bendigo產區的Turner’s Crossing(泰納超越莊園)和Yarra Valley產區的Carlei Estate(卡萊酒莊)。兩者皆屬於小而精緻、年產量小的酒莊。
- Sep 25 Sat 2010 20:38
<頂級澳洲酒參考指南>Langton's Classification of Australian Wine V(2010)
澳洲著名的葡萄酒拍賣公司Langton's 每五年編訂的Classification of Australian Wine一直是葡萄酒迷很重視的購酒參考指南,新出爐的2010年評選結果終於在上週五公佈囉! 這次比2005年新增了33款品項,這份報告不僅給予澳洲酒極為正面的評價,同時也反應市場消費需求上升和澳洲酒近年來亮眼的表現!
- Sep 25 Sat 2010 17:14
<Wine Classification-AU>2010 – Langton’s Classification of Australian Wine V released --33 new listings
Langton’s Classification of Australian Wine V is a “form guide” of Australia’s best performing and most prized wines. It was first published in 1990 to create interest and build demand in the fledgling Australian secondary wine market. Followed by wine collectors and wine trade around the world it has become an Australian institution with a prestigious international currency. It is arguably the most famous and widely respected wine classification outside of Europe.
- Sep 24 Fri 2010 16:52
<酒莊訪台晚宴>2010年 10 月 10 日(日),PM 18:30~21:30 澳洲Woodstock酒莊訪台晚宴@法式派翠克餐廳 L'Atelierde Patrick