西澳(Western Australia)產區酒款的總產量、僅佔全澳洲產量約3%,但西澳頂級酒款(premium wine)的產量卻佔全澳洲頂級酒的20%左右,因此,近年西澳酒款已成為優質澳洲葡萄酒的代名詞。
After taking over from his father Doug Collett in 1982, Scott is the 2nd generation custodian of the gilded history of Woodstock Estate. With more than thirty five years wine industry experience both locally and abroad, it is Scott that sets the direction for Woodstock. He is a self confessed lover of the generous wines of his beloved McLaren Vale, steadfastly believing that his wines should be complimented by the very best of local produce, and the boisterous company of a coterie of close friends.
有「紅酒聖地」之稱的法國,被公認為是全球最優秀的產區,產區內酒莊都必須依造政府的規定釀酒,有既定的釀酒公式,如未依照法規釀製則被歸類為普通餐酒,且不得標示產區名、年份。其葡萄產量受限制,嚴苛的產區分級制度,僅能釀製販賣法定葡萄酒品種。波爾多地區(Bordeaux)生產的葡萄酒多是以卡本內蘇維濃(Cabernet Sauvignon)、梅洛(Merlot)、卡本內弗朗(Cabernet Franc)混合釀製而成。